By John Churu, Gaborone, Botswana
Statistics Botswana (SB) has embarked on the first-ever nationwide Botswana Information & Communication Technology (ICT) survey, targeting 2,440 households.
According to Themba Sibanda of the statistics’ public relations office “The fieldwork started on August 9, 2014, and is scheduled to end on September 29, 2014.” He added that “The survey is envisaged to capture data and information on critical ICT indicators as defined by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).”
Statistics Botswana says the objectives of this survey include obtaining socio-economic information with a view of understanding usage patterns of ICT services. The survey will also collect, collate and analyze ICT statistics in line with World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).
It appealed for cooperation and patience during the active months of fieldwork or enumeration as the success of the survey is reliant on the reception of all targeted households.
During the 2011 national census, part of Statistics Botswana’s field obligations included taking stock of the ICT landscape in the country. Respondents were asked to indicate whether any member of the household had acess to the internet. Amongst members of the household belonging to male headed households, 55.2% had no access to internet, of those who had access, 6.7 percent said they accessed the internet at work, 4.4 percent through the cellular phone internet, 3.9 percent at internet cafes and 1.7 percent at home.
The rest of the members in male headed households accessed the internet through the school, (0.7 percent), other institutions (0.7 percent), at the Post Office (0.3 percent), library (0.5 percent) and elsewhere (0.4 percent).
While 59.0 percent of the members belonging to the female headed households said they had no access, 5.5 percent accessed it at work, 4.0 percent through the cellular phone internet and 3.6 percent through the internet café. Other accessed the internet through the home (1.1 percent), school (1.1 percent), and other institutions (1.0 percent). Very few accessed the net at the post office (0.3 percent), library, (0.60 percent and elsewhere (0.4 percent)
On the household ownership of ICT equipment, respondents were asked whether any member of the household owned ICT equipment which was in working condition. Amongst those residing in male headed households, 21.9 percent indicate that they did not own any ICT equipment. Of those members in male headed households who had indicated that they did own ICT equipment 19.3 percent owned a radio and 6.7 percent had a TV. The rest of the members in these households reported that they owned desktop computer (0.8 percent) laptop computer (0.5 percent) and telephone landline (0.4 percent).
Comparing the ownership of ICT equipment along gender lines members in male headed households had more ICT equipment in working condition in comparison to those who belonged to the female headed households. On the other hand, there were more members in households headed by females in contrast to those headed by males who owned telephone landline and TV.