Crypto Arbitrage Scanners help investors to make their crypto trading easier. Crypto investments are a highly profitable trading option but it comes with a fair share of risk. Crypto arbitrage scanners are specialized tools that help to identify and exploit the price discrepancies of cryptocurrencies across multiple exchanges.
The scanner helps to monitor real-time prices, and trading volumes of the crypto project enabling traders to capitalize on crypto opportunities. The same crypto asset is priced differently at multiple exchanges.
Arbitrage scanners help users profit from prices across different cryptocurrency exchanges. Traders can analyze the best exchange to buy the particular cryptocurrency along with the option available for selling it to gain the maximum profit. Crypto arbitrage can simply be called a trading strategy that takes advantage of the price variation across multiple exchanges.
Top Crypt Arbitrage Scanners
Here are some of the top cryptocurrency arbitrage scanners you can try out for a better trading experience:
1. ArbitrageScanner
The platform smartly covers both centralized and Decentralized Exchanges (DEX). Arbitrage Scanner includes 75 centralized cryptocurrency exchanges and 25 decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges. The wide exchange options within the platform make it a comprehensive market analysis tool.
Arbitrage Scanner can easily detect the price difference and alert the users about the cheaper availability of the token. The platform indicates that it is the only available scanner to support cross-chain arbitrage.
The subscription plan for the scanner ranges from $69 to $795 per month. The cheapest plan can be subscribed for 30 days during the trial period. The expensive plan has multiple additional benefits including voice curator support, access to a closed community, and a turnkey scanner setup.
There are multiple key features within the platform including support for more than 100,000 crypto assets, scanning DEX across 20 different blockchains, notifying the active users about the available cross-chian arbitrage opportunities, and private chat option with experienced traders. The platform supports exchanges including DEXs, Binance, Bybit, OKX, KuCoin, Coinbase, and
2. Coinrule
Coinrule is a beginner-friendly platform for crypto enthusiasts. This automated platform is designed to simplify the process of streamlining cryptocurrency trading. Without the need for coding or knowledge of advanced technology, users can create and execute trading strategies.
There are dozens of pre-made template strategies available along with the option of creating their own based on the set parameters. The platform operates on multiple exchanges and supports various trading pairs.
Multiple key factors set Coinrule apart from the rest. The platform creates rules based on popular indicators like RSI, and SMA. They have up to 50 live trading rules. The platform caters to unlimited template trading strategies that are available to Trade and Pro plan subscribers.
Coinrule has up to 10,000 rule executions. You can easily avail market orders, limit orders, avail Telegram and text notifications. Binance, KuCoin, Conbase, Kraken, BitMEX,, and OKX are the exchanges supported by the platform.
3. Cryptohopper
Cryptohopper is an AI-powered arbitrage bot trading platform suitable for the cryptocurrency market. The platform makes use of algorithms and advanced strategies to trade on behalf of its users. Cryptohopper initiates the access and trade of your account by connecting it to the cryptocurrency exchange. Users can set parameters like trading pairs, stop-loss levels, and buy/sell signals through the customization of the bot. It is possible to make use of the templates as well.
The Cryptohopper bot monitors the market and executes the trade continuously based on your required settings. Additionally, the platform employs smart strategies like technical analysis and signals from third-party sources. The platform makes use of the arbitrage scanner data of Binance.
The platform provides a web-based interface to monitor trades, adjust the settings, and access historical data. You can easily manage all your exchange accounts from a unified terminal. The platform has an AI-powered trading bot. Cryptohopper supports exchanges including Binance, KuCoin, Coinbase, Kraken, Huboi,, and OKX.
4. Bitsgap
Bitsgap is a bot trading template that leverages arbitrage opportunities across major exchanges. It is a trading bot platform designed for cryptocurrency markets. Bitsgap automates trades for its users after connecting to their exchange account using API keys. The platforms facilitate to simplification of the trading process and enhance the trading strategies. It is possible to set parameters like trading pairs, stop-level loss, and indicators.
Based on the settings the bot continuously monitors the market and executes the trade. It is possible to provide a unified interface for accessing different exchanges along with real-time market data and performance tracking. Using the trading bots you can easily build GRID and DCA. The platform supports limit, scaled, and market orders. The platform caters to pre-made trading bot strategies. The platform supports exchanges including Binance, Kucoin, Coinbase, Kraken, Huobi, Bybit,, and OKX.
5. 3Commas
3Commas is a smart trading platform with a native app marketplace. The popular trading platform offers a wide range of tools and features. Users can trade, manage portfolios, and implement strategies for finding favorable exchange rates. There is a ‘Copy Trading’ feature in the platform that initiates to following successful traders.
3Commas provides customizing alerts, portfolio management tools, and backsetting capabilities for strategy evaluation. The platform allows developers to leverage their applications in the 3Commas marketplace. The platform easily integrates signals into your bots. The platform has smart trading terminals, advanced analytics, and charting tools. The platform supports exchanges including Binance, KuCoin, Coinbase, Kraken, Huobi, Bybit,, and OKX.
Key Details of the Mentioned Arbitrage Scanners
There are multiple factors to be considered before choosing the right arbitrage scanner. Check out the price, free trial options, and mobile applications for the scanners mentioned above.
Sl No: | Name | Starting Price | Free Trial | Mobile App |
1 | ArbitrageScanner | $69/month | Yes/ 1 day | Telegram |
2 | Coinrule | $29.99/Month | Yes | Android |
3 | Cryptohopper | $24.16/Month | Yes/ 3 Days | Android and iOS |
4 | Bitsgap | $23/ Month | Yes/ 7 Days | Web App |
5 | 3Commas | 4/month | Yes, Forever | Android and iOS |
Crypto Arbitrage Scanner plays an important role within the crypto trading landscape. Choose the most efficient scanner for a better trading experience. You can enhance efficiency and critical marketing insights with the right tools. If you want to choose the right exchange, we strongly recommend you do your research before choosing the right platform. Good luck choosing the right platform for your trading needs.