A poll released by NOI Polls Limited has revealed that almost 6 in 10 Nigerians (59%) are not aware of mobile money services and only 13% of those that are aware of mobile money have adopted it. Also, it was found that the overwhelming majority (93%) operate their mobile money account in connection with their bank accounts.
NOI’s Mobile Money Services Snap Poll, conducted last month, found that in general, mobile money users have had positive experiences indicating that it is easy to use, secure, saves cost and time; while about 7 in 10 (71%) non-users said they would consider using mobile money services in the future. These are the main findings from.
To determine the present rate of adoption and potential for the future, NOI asked respondents to the poll 10 specific questions. The first question sought to measure the awareness of Nigerians on Mobile Money services. Respondents were asked: Have you ever heard of Mobile Money services? In response to this question the majority overall (59%) are not aware of Mobile Money services, comparatively, 41% are aware of the services.
Analysis based on geo-political zones shows that the South-South (54%), South-West (46%) and the North-Central (43%) zones had the highest proportions of respondent that are knowledgeable of Mobile Money services. Conversely, the North-East (70%), South-East (64%) and the North-West (63%) zones accounted for the highest proportions of respondents that did not have any knowledge of Mobile Money services.
Measuring the level of awareness based on age revealed that the age category with the highest number of respondents that are aware of Mobile Money services is 35-44 years (48%) of respondents. This is closely followed by respondents within the age category of 45-54 years (46%). The 65+ age group has the highest proportion of respondents (79%) that are not aware of it, closely followed by the 18-21 age group (78%).